Tim Elito

Official Discord Developer

Photo by Banosh

About Me

I am a Discord Bot Developer from Sweden that does a lot of cool stuff. Some of my bots are currently being used by streamers and YouTubers around the world.

Outside of development, I compete in cybersecurity championships as well as coach basketball. As you could tell from the image above, I love Minecraft. There are a lot of things that I enjoy doing, but there are a few that stand out. Music is one of my biggest passions, I play the electric guitar on a daily basis and the best parts of any year are the moments on stage with the band.

My Latest Work

The latest project that I can tell you about is my favorite bot so far, MemeBot. As of right now it has above 1,000 active users and is currently on review at top.gg for them to put it on their website. It has a lot of cool features. Like /meme which gives you a random meme from the subreddit r/memes or my personal favorite, /cat which gives you a random image of a cute cat from the subreddit r/cats. Even you boomers out there will enjoy the bot and that's because it has /pun, the cheesiest of puns. Some of the puns aren't even puns anymore, they're just dad jokes.

Contact Me

Contact me today to hear more about what I do.

You can contact me here to get to know what I do and who I am. Or if you want I'll send you a bot template so that you can become a bot developer yourself.

I love making custom bots for people! So if you want one, just contact me via the contact form or send me an email and I'll get back to you with a price.